Our Services

We manage mosquito borne disease and biting fly nuisance risk

 We do this by focusing on managing the mosquito in the context of its environment and its interaction with people.

Mosquito and other biting fly Surveillance ( Endemic and Exotic)
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Mosquito and other biting fly Identification to species
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Improving control programmes
Improving control programmes
Review and develop vector management programmes
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Biting Impact Assessments
Biting Impact Assessments
Land development Biting Insect Impact Assessments
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Capacity building
Capacity building
Vector control operational capacity building
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Vector Control
Vector Control
Operational vector control services, including community liaison and communications
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Vector Control
Vector Control
Ground and aerial larviciding
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Vector Control
Vector Control
Adulticiding (Aerosol and Residual Barrier Treatments)
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Vector Control
Vector Control
Source reduction
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Vector control training and continuing professional development
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Applied Research
Applied Research
Applied research and development of improved mosquito management technologies
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Efficacy evaluations of control agents
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